Daily Health

Am I Normal: How Often Do Men Need to Ejaculate?

Do you worry about masturbating too much? Or have you read an article about the health benefits of ejaculating in the news and wonder if you're doing it enough? It's completely normal to wonder what's normal.

As humans, we naturally compare ourselves to our peers — we can't help it. But, ejaculation is not something that often comes up in conversation at the dinner table. 

So, we're here to break down the facts for you. Are there health benefits? Are there any risks to ejaculating too often? Let's delve into the statistics, the science, and take a look at ejaculation in a little more detail. 

How often is it normal to ejaculate?

First — let's get straight to the point. There is no normal. Think about it. The number of times you ejaculate will vary throughout your life depending on your age, sexual activity, relationship status, lifestyle, health, etc. Therefore, the number of times you ejaculate per day/week/month will change too.

Everybody loves a statistic, though, right? In 2018, sex toy company TENGA conducted a survey of over 13,000 people, age 18-74, across 18 countries. The survey showed that 57% of 18-24 year-olds masturbate weekly.

In a Canadian study carried out in 2016, a survey of over 2000 men and women aged 40-59 highlighted that men are nearly seven times more likely than women to masturbate four or more times per week.

However, these studies only consider ejaculation through masturbation, not when having sex. In short, everyone is different. You may ejaculate daily, weekly, monthly, or less — and that's absolutely normal.

Now, let’s get to the interesting part. There may be a few health benefits to make you feel extra good about ejacualting. 

What are the benefits of ejaculation?

Is it really beneficial to your health? There are actually several research studies that have looked into the benefits of ejaculation.

Let's start with one of the most talked-about studies. In 2016, the European Urology journal published the results from a study conducted over 18 years, including nearly 32,000 men in the United States. It specifically looked at the connection between ejaculation frequency and prostate cancer. 

The results showed that men were 20% less likely to develop prostate cancer if they ejaculated more than 20 times per month (21 times was actually the magic number). Although the study's findings are positive, it relied on self-reported answers, which could skew the results. The researchers acknowledge that additional research is needed to fully explore the link between ejaculation frequency and prostate cancer. 

Cancer isn’t the only potential benefit to ejaculating frequently. Other health benefits include:

  • A lower risk of heart disease - a study in the American Journal of Cardiology discusses that not having sex very often (once a month or less) can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Increased immunity - yes, studies show that sex boosts your immune system too!
  • The boost in feel-good hormones oxytocin and dopamine improves mood and helps to reduce stress and depression.
  • Better sleep quality - having an orgasm with a partner appears to have the most benefit in achieving better sleep and getting to sleep quicker. Still, orgasms achieved through self-masturbation were also perceived to improve sleep quality.

When you take all these benefits into account, it can't be a bad thing to orgasm and ejaculate frequently — can it?

Are there any risks associated with frequent ejaculation?

There are always urban myths flying around that masturbating too much is bad for you. Quite frankly, it isn't. There are no negative health benefits to ejaculating frequently. 

The only problem you may face is some discomfort if you don't use enough lubrication and start to get some friction burns or skin irritation — a little lubrication will sort that out, though. 

Why do some people choose not to ejaculate then? You may have heard about semen retention (avoiding ejaculation). There are claims that avoiding ejaculation improves energy levels, fertility, sexual pleasure, and emotional health. 

Although this concept has been around for a long time (in fact, it's ancient), there isn’t any substantial scientific evidence to back up the claims. There is some research that suggests that not masturbating helps with sperm motility (and therefore can help if you and a partner are trying to get pregnant).

In comparison, there also isn't much evidence to suggest it's a harmful practice either. So, it really is a personal choice as to whether you choose to ejaculate or not. 

The bottom line

In this case, most of the time, you can't have too much of a good thing. Whether you choose to ejaculate multiple times a day, daily, weekly, or monthly, it isn't doing you any harm. Quite the opposite, in fact. Research shows it's likely doing you some good! One thing to note: porn addiction is linked to erectile dysfunction — especially in young men. If you suspect porn addiction could be interfering with your sex life, it's time to talk to a professional.


How Often to Ejaculate?

You may ejaculate more frequently or less frequently depending on many factors. There is no exact frequency that someone should be ejaculating per day, week or month. How often someone ejaculates can be influenced by personal beliefs about sex and masturbation, relationship status, overall health, and age.

Masturbation tends to be most frequent among men between 18 and 30, so this group ejaculates with the most significant frequency. As men age, the frequency with which they masturbate and ejaculate tends to decrease. Around 63% of men over 50 report having masturbated within the past year. A 2016 study suggests that men who ejaculate at least 21 times per month may lower their chances of developing prostate cancer.

It’s worth noting that if ejaculation becomes painful, this is an indication that you should take a break. If you always or frequently experience painful ejaculation, you should bring this up with your doctor since it may indicate a health concern that requires treatment. 

How Many Times Can a Man Ejaculate in a Day?

A man can ejaculate multiple times a day, although many factors influence the number of times a man ejaculates in a day. Age and overall health are essential factors, with younger, healthy men typically being able to ejaculate more frequently. An individual’s frequency with which they masturbate will influence the number of times they ejaculate in a day.

Different individuals also experience different refractory periods. The refractory period is the time after ejaculation, during which it is impossible to ejaculate again. During this time, it is generally not possible to maintain an erection. The refractory period is normal and everyone has it to some degree. If a man has a shorter refractory period, he will be able to ejaculate more frequently on a given day. With age, the refractory period tends to increase. 

Ultimately, there isn’t a standard number of times to ejaculate in a day. Some men may comfortably ejaculate once per day, some may do so multiple times a day, while others may be comfortable going for more extended periods without ejaculation. If you experience pain or discomfort during ejaculation, speak to your healthcare provider. It may be a sign of a condition that requires medical attention. 

How to ejaculate?

Men ejaculate when they are physically aroused, and their penis is stimulated. Ejaculation typically begins with arousal. This can result from being in a sexually stimulating situation, perceiving a stimulating person or image, or even having sexual thoughts that lead to arousal. This sets off a physiological response in the body, causing blood to fill the penis shaft, leading to an erection. 

When the erect penis is stimulated through sexual activity or masturbation, a person can reach orgasm. During an orgasm, semen first travels to the urethra and then is expelled through contractions of penile muscles, resulting in ejaculation.

Many factors can impact a person’s ability to ejaculate. Age, overall health, treatments to an enlarged prostate, and certain medications can affect the ability to ejaculate. As age increases, men tend to ejaculate less frequently. Barring such issues, men can ejaculate through intimacy with a partner or by stimulating themselves through masturbation as long as they have passed the refractory period. This refers to the period after ejaculating during which it isn’t possible to become sexually aroused. It can last anywhere from several minutes to many hours.

What Is the Normal Time for a Man to Ejaculate?

The average time for a man to ejaculate from vaginal intercourse is just under five and a half minutes, according to a study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. However, the average time doesn’t mean that longer or shorter times to ejaculate aren’t standard. 

Many factors can influence how long it takes to ejaculate once stimulation begins. For example, some medications may make it more difficult to ejaculate, causing some to take longer to ejaculate and others to have trouble ejaculating. Some people may have particularly sensitive sexual organs, leading to faster-than-average ejaculation.

If you consistently ejaculate quickly, under 3 minutes from the start of sexual stimulation, you may be experiencing premature ejaculation. This is a common frustration experienced by about a third of men under 60 and isn’t generally a serious cause for concern. 

However, it can be a frustrating situation to deal with. If you are consistently experiencing premature ejaculation, bring it up with your healthcare practitioner. Sometimes, psychological or behavioural therapy can help men overcome issues with premature ejaculation. Other interventions can help, such as numbing creams or masturbating an hour or two before intercourse.

Is It Healthy to Ejaculate?

Yes, it is perfectly healthy to ejaculate. Some studies suggest a range of physical benefits of ejaculation, and there are emotional and psychological benefits as well. 

In terms of potential health benefits, one 2016 study in the journal European Urology found that ejaculating 21 or more times per month reduced prostate cancer risk by 3.5%. Ejaculation is also coupled with an increase in oxytocin, a hormone that promotes positive feelings and stress reduction. Many men feel more relaxed immediately after ejaculating.

However, just because ejaculation is perfectly healthy doesn’t mean that men have to ejaculate regularly if they don’t feel like doing so. Some people enjoy ejaculating multiple times a day, while others may not feel the urge to do so for long periods. It may indicate another underlying condition if you feel your libido is unusually low and don’t experience arousal as regularly. Bringing this up with your healthcare practitioner can help you identify if there is a problem and explore solutions.

Felix Team
Updated on:
February 19, 2023
Medically reviewed by
Dr. Kelly Anderson
Family Physician, MD, CCFP(EM)

The views expressed here are those of the author and, as with the rest of the content on Health Guide, are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any medical questions or concerns, please talk to your healthcare practitioner.

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